by Lisa-Jo | Oct 11, 2016 | Books you should read, Motherhood, No such thing as just a mom, Ordinary Glory, Rabid fear of parenting
My friend, Jennifer Camp is a Jesus follower who loves pointing women to Him for all their needs, ugly and messy and amazing. Her new book, Breathing Eden: Conversations with God on Light, Fresh Air, and New Things, is a fictional look at the real life struggles we...
by Lisa-Jo | Aug 3, 2016 | Books you should read, Giveaways
I’ll admit it. I’m a TOTAL SKEPTIC when it comes to happiness. I’m always convinced that any kind of happiness is basically just the opening act for terrible disaster or tragedy. The second my life starts to spark with some happiness, I begin to...
by Lisa-Jo | Apr 19, 2016 | Books you should read, Daughters, Motherhood
She is a fierce little mama. Every night before she puts on her own jammies she changes her baby into a onesie and tucks her in just so. And in the mornings when I’m calling for her, pouring her cereal and wondering where she is she can be found deciding on an...
by Lisa-Jo | Mar 17, 2016 | Books you should read, Faith is Hard, Motherhood, Rabid fear of parenting
Have you ever wanted to run away from home – as a mom? Addie Zierman has. And she did. This is what happened. The winter that I drove down to Florida alone with my two-and four-year-old sons was the one of the coldest on record. The polar vortex was arcing down,...
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 16, 2016 | Books you should read
…this is a guest post from a friend who knows what it’s like to feel trapped in your house and your skin and your stage in life. Thank you, Mary, for reminding us we’re not alone in those feelings. Sometimes I feel trapped in my own home, because I...
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 2, 2016 | Books you should read, Cheering for you, Faith
I’m having a lot of feelings about a book that releases today. I’m sent hundreds of books to review and it’s a huge and wonderful perk of being a blogger. But this one, this one is different. I have to tell you about this book. Not because anyone...