by Lisa-Jo | Sep 10, 2015 | (in)courage, Cheering for you, Girlfriends, Ordinary Glory, Our First House, Sunday
Sunday afternoons are messy at our house. And I like them that way. (If you follow me on Instagram you’ve probably noticed). We’ve usually let the weekend play around us with all its Legos and dolls and light sabers and blanket forts and left over pizza. We’ve...
by Lisa-Jo | Aug 10, 2015 | Cheering for you, Family, Motherhood, No more mom guilt, Ordinary Glory
Weekends are the life jacket that help keep us floating, head-above-water, the rest of the week, aren’t they? I love weekends. I love family time on the weekends. I love reading and I especially love doing lots of nothing. I mean, I always have one or two things...
by Lisa-Jo | Aug 5, 2015 | Cheering for you, Faith, Ordinary Glory, Travel
My kids love to hear stories from when we were kids. My son, Jackson, is constantly complaining that we, “don’t tell him enough stuff about you guys.” So, more and more I find myself consciously dipping into my memory bank to unload some of the...
by Lisa-Jo | Aug 3, 2015 | Blogging, Family, Ordinary Glory
You’d be surprised how easy it is to fall out of the habit of writing. Or maybe you wouldn’t. Like most things, writing requires exercise. You need to keep showing up. And when you’re on vacation or traveling for work or simply intimidated by all the...
by Lisa-Jo | Jun 25, 2015 | Ordinary Glory, Our First House, Uncategorized
I have so many thing to tell you I don’t know where to begin. Sometimes your head can be full of words but your body is full of aches and pains from a week and a half worth of packing boxes and moving. So while your head really, really wants to share all that...
by Lisa-Jo | Jun 5, 2015 | (in)courage, Ordinary Glory
It’s ridiculous really how much of our lives we consider “ordinary.” My oldest crept into bed next to me the other night because Wednesdays are the nights we offer an open call in our bed. This is mostly to try and keep them out of it all the other nights. So...