by Lisa-Jo | Mar 4, 2011 | Five Minute Friday, Motherhood, Sweetstuff
I think by Friday often we only have about five minutes worth of writing left in us. So, around here, we spend them wisely. On lots of words and layers of meaning that haven’t been edited. We just write. For five minutes flat. That’s how Five Minute...
by Lisa-Jo | Mar 3, 2011 | Marriage, Motherhood, Sweetstuff
At 36 weeks pregnant I finally signed up for the obligatory maternity tour. While this is our third child, this is also our third hospital, state, country – so we wanted to get a feel for the digs, you know? One kid was in preschool and one was with a friend, so...
by Lisa-Jo | Mar 2, 2011 | Kids, Motherhood, Sweetstuff, Travel
There are tiger mothers who don’t write books or end up on best seller’s lists. There are tiger mothers who ferociously protect rather than (figuratively) eat their young. There are tiger mothers who rear up on hind legs and wrestle the world, its demons,...
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 18, 2011 | Five Minute Friday, Sweetstuff
On Fridays around here we stop, drop and write for five minutes straight. No editing, no back-tracking, no pauses. Just words. This week, let’s focus on friendship. Start: We sit curled up on the couch for not nearly enough hours talking kids, love, faith,...
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 10, 2011 | Family, Five Minute Friday, Motherhood, Sweetstuff
I haven’t written anything in a week. Not even five minutes worth. I’ve felt empty of words. Full of baby. Full of noise and chaos and worry and kids who launch themselves out of bunk beds with no heed for their physical safety or my mental well being....
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 4, 2011 | Blogging, Sweetstuff, Writing
Stop, drop, and write. That’s what we do for five minutes here on Fridays. No tweaking, no back-tracking, no self-editing. Just words. Lots of lovely words for a full five minutes. This week the prompt is:What’s the best mail you got recently – email, text, or...