by Lisa-Jo | Dec 24, 2015 | Cheering for you, Christmas, Faith, Family
You guys, I’m sitting in bed in the dark close to midnight and typing this by the light of our hall closet. So you’re getting this post unedited, unretouched, unfiltered. My ten year old is curled up next to me because we have this deal on Wednesday nights...
by Lisa-Jo | Dec 9, 2015 | Cheering for you, Faith, Family, Holidays, Just plain hard
I’ve been the community manager at the website (in)courage for five years. That means five years of working with and for and alongside women. Writing about women, reading about women, talking to women, being in small groups of women and large groups of women. I don’t...
by Lisa-Jo | Nov 14, 2015 | (in)courage, Faith, Motherhood
My daughter comes to me with snot and tears streaked down her face and asks between wails, “Do you still love me, Mama? Even when I’m crabby?” She then bursts into more sobs as I take her small frame onto my lap and wipe the hair out of her eyes. I...
by Lisa-Jo | Oct 12, 2015 | Faith, Family, Kids, Rabid fear of parenting, Raising Boys
The woman who looks back at me from the mirror is someone I never expected to meet. There she is, with her tired eyes and wrinkle lines and the soft brown spots of aging on her hands. Her hair hasn’t been its own color since she turned nineteen. She prefers a shade of...
by Lisa-Jo | Oct 5, 2015 | Callings, Faith, Family, Inbetween, Motherhood, South Africa, Take Action
I think about it a lot. I think about dying. I lie in bed at night and can’t breathe from the bad dreams that paralyze my lungs at the thought of one of my kids dying. I lie there with eyes wide open to the dark and I play it through my head. How would I cope?...
by Lisa-Jo | Sep 17, 2015 | Cheering for you, Faith, Family, Motherhood, Rabid fear of parenting
May today be its own unique story. May we remember that these kids aren’t an interruption, a distraction or a nuisance. May we open our eyes to this morning and remember that the two sleepy heads crawling into our bed are a gift. May we wash out bottles and fill...