by Lisa-Jo | Aug 22, 2016 | It Gets Better, Ordinary Glory, The ordinary extraordinary
I haven’t written in a long time because there has been so much to say. Counter-intuitive, I know. But that’s sometimes how summers are. You hope they’ll be long and slow and dreamy and instead they sort of run over you like kids through the...
by Lisa-Jo | May 19, 2016 | Rabid fear of parenting, Raising Boys, The ordinary extraordinary
He was waiting for me in the big bed after I got done tucking in his little sister. Because it’s Wednesday night. His glasses were lying on my dresser and he was spread out on the far side of the bed – his daddy’s side – because he likes the way it feels there up near...
by Lisa-Jo | Apr 14, 2015 | Motherhood, Ordinary Glory, The ordinary extraordinary
When Peter asked me how the kids’ baseball game was I told him, “Long and boring.” Which was sort of true. But there’s this other part. The part that you can miss if you’re not paying attention. Sure, there’s lots of dirt and gravel...
by Lisa-Jo | Oct 22, 2014 | Cheering for you, Faith, Motherhood, Ordinary Glory, The ordinary extraordinary
We all want a hero. I grew up on a diet of popcorn and stories and the days my mom took me out of school to go to the movies were the ones I learned to fly. Stories are still my safe place. We all want a hero to stand on a stage or a white horse or a battlefield or a...
by Lisa-Jo | Jun 23, 2014 | Family, Motherhood, Ordinary Glory, The ordinary extraordinary
I didn’t get around to the laundry this weekend. The boys’ hamper is overflowing. Literally. There is an assortment of super heroes all gazing up at me forlornly from the bedroom floor. There is an epic battle between the Legos raging on the run down dresser...
by Lisa-Jo | Aug 14, 2013 | Our crazy little rental house, The ordinary extraordinary
It’s that time of year where all I want to do is open the windows wide, wide. And catch light in stray corners of the house, under the kitchen table, in my son’s eyes. He smells of sunscreen, permanently. These wooden floors creak and I love that they have their own...