by Lisa-Jo | Sep 24, 2015 | Blogging, Speaking
All three of my kids stayed up too late the other night because they asked me if they could. And sometimes it’s worth saying yes in those moments. They didn’t have school the next day and they wanted to know if they could just fall asleep watching a Disney...
by Lisa-Jo | Mar 14, 2013 | Blogging, Speaking
UPDATED: Well, maybe it’s the medication but turns out there isn’t a live chat portion of the radio interview. But you can still listen. And I can try and make you laugh. This is my real life. Apparently I shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a...
by Lisa-Jo | Apr 5, 2012 | Blogging, Family, Kids, Motherhood, South Africa, Speaking, Travel
Remember that one time I told you I was going to do a podcast with Tsh from Simple Mom? And you all sent fun question ideas? Well, it happened and you can listen along with us as I talk about my middle name, why I don’t think I’m cool enough to be a...
by Lisa-Jo | Apr 2, 2012 | Family, Freebies, Kids, Motherhood, Rabid fear of parenting, Speaking
I think motherhood should come with a super hero cape and a cheerleader. My {free} eBook The Cheerleader for Tired Moms might be the next best thing. Just enter your email & you’ll receive my eBook pronto.
by Lisa-Jo | Mar 19, 2012 | (in)RL, Blogging, Family, Motherhood, Speaking
So, have you heard of the website, Simple Mom? It’s fabulous. My friend Tsh is the awesome sauce behind it. And as part of Simple Mom she hosts a podcast called Home Fries. Tomorrow she’s interviewing me. And she said we should see if there’s...